Symptoms of Sulfur Deficiency
- Similar to Nitrogen deficiency
- Uniform pale green to yellow leaf starting in the new leaves
- In legumes, the nodules produced are smaller, pale rather than pink, and reduced in number
- In field crops, poor yield, low protein, pale green and yellow leaves
- Purpling of margins and interveinal areas is common on both young and old leaves
- Constituent of several amino acids which are essential for protein production
- Aids in activities of various enzymes and vitamins
- Required for chlorophyll formation
- Deficiency adversely affects the oil content in some oil crops and the baking quality in wheat crops
- Aids in Nitrogen stabilization
- Essential for nodule formation in legumes
Treatment Options
Apply a good fertility program in the soil with enough Sulfur to fulfill the targeted yield and quality goals. Complement with a foliar program containing high percentage of Sulfur especially if farming a light textured or sandy soils or soils with low organic matter. Sulfate form is prone to leaching under wet conditions while elemental does not become available if the conditions are dry