Secondary Products
CN9 (9-0-0 + 11% Ca)
CN9 is a specialized Calcium Nitrate solution that can help you achieve your turf goals. With a formula of 9-0-0 and 11% Ca, it provides a constant source of calcium to your turf, helping to avoid deficiencies that can impact growth and development. Its versatility makes it suitable for use at multiple stages of growth, ensuring that your grass has access to the nutrients it needs to thrive. By choosing CN9 as part of your comprehensive fertility program, you can expect to see improved health and appearance in your turf. Its constant supply of calcium can help to support strong, healthy growth, leading to a more attractive and functional grassy area.
N - 9%
Ca - 11%
Recommended Rates:
*No Shipping Charge on 500L and 1000L Totes*
Please contact us at for pricing and availability.
Sequestri-Cal (9.5% Ca)
The Calcium Partner for your tank of Phos
Sequestri-Cal is a specialized fertilization product that can support the overall health and appearance of your turf. Its fully chelated and highly available source of calcium ensures efficient absorption by plant roots, leaves, and other tissues, making it an effective choice for correcting calcium deficiencies. Its wide compatibility also makes it ideal for tank mixing with phosphate and sulfate forms of nutrients. Plus, Sequestri-Cal is seed and plant safe, even at higher dosages, so you can use it with confidence on your course or other turf areas. By choosing Sequestri-Cal as part of your comprehensive fertility program, you can expect to see improved water infiltration, reduced soil compaction, and displacement of sodium, leading to a healthier, more attractive turf.
Recommended Rates:
*No Shipping Charge on 500L and 1000L Totes*
Please contact us at for pricing and availability.
Thio S56 (5-0-0 + 6%S)
Use to correct or prevent Sulfur deficiency at any stage of the crop.
Recommended Rates:
2-4L/acre in 10-15 gal of water
*No Shipping Charge on 500L and 1000L Totes*
Please contact us at for pricing and availability.
uPtake Mg (11-0-0 + 4% Mg)
High analysis source of Nitrogen and Magnesium. Use to supplement a well-balanced fertility program when the soil is unable to transfer nutrients (waterlogging, drought, heat, high humidity)
Recommended Rate:
*No Shipping Charge on 500L and 1000L Totes*
Please contact us at for pricing and availability

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