Primary Products
Balanceline 14-5-14
BALANCELINE is a top-choice fertilization product for golf course superintendents looking to maintain healthy, aesthetically pleasing turf. Its comprehensive blend of essential nutrients, including micronutrients, helps grass reach its full potential in terms of health and appearance. The proprietary chelating formula ensures that these nutrients remain available in the soil for plants to access. BALANCELINE is typically applied during the summer months as part of a robust fertility program for golf courses. Trust BALANCELINE to keep your course's turf in top shape.
N - 14%
P - 5%
K - 14%
S - 1.4%
Mg - .07%
Fe - .11%
Mn - .07%
B - .02%
Zn - .02%
Cu - .02%
Recommended Rate: 4oz/1000ft2
*No Shipping Charge on 500L and 1000L Totes* Please contact us at for pricing and availability.
Gain28 28-0-0 MSN
As a golf turf professional, you know the importance of providing your grass with the proper nutrients to maintain optimal health and appearance. GAIN28 is a premium liquid nitrogen product that can help you achieve this goal. Based on urea triazone, it contains two forms of nitrogen that release at different speeds into the leaf and soil. This allows for a sustained nutrient supply that promotes long-term growth. GAIN28 can also lower the pH of alkaline soils and help to dissolve bicarbonates and flush sodium, making it an effective treatment for a variety of soil conditions. This product is particularly useful during cool weather, when nitrogen response is necessary for greening. Choose GAIN28 to give your course's turf the nourishment it needs to thrive.
N - 28%
Recommended Rate:
*No Shipping Charge on 500L and 1000L Totes*
Please contact us at for pricing and availability
K25 Greenline 0-0-25
GREENLINE K25 is a specialized fertilization product that is a blend of Potassium Hydroxide and Potassium Acetate, which offers slower uptake than Potassium Chloride fertilizers. This means that the nutrients are released at a more consistent rate, providing sustained nourishment for your turf. GREENLINE K25 is specifically formulated for use on greens, tees, and other high-quality turf areas where targeted potassium nutrition is desired. Its slow-release properties make it an effective choice for maintaining the health and appearance of your course's turf.
K - 25%
Recommended Rate:
*No Shipping Charge on 500L and 1000L Totes*
Please contact us at for pricing and availability.
Lucky13 (13-13-13 + Micros)
Lucky 13 is a all around fertilizer with a analysis of 13-13-13. It also contains all the micronutrients plants need to grow. LUCKY 13 provides a balanced source of nutrition, complete with essential micronutrients that plants require to reach optimum health and appearance. It is typically used on greens, tees and other high quality turf areas in the spring and fall when cold, wet soils inhibit phosphorous availability. A proprietary chelating method keeps micronutrients free in the soil and available to the plant.
Analysis:N - 13%
P - 13%
K - 13%
Mg - .1%
Fe - .1%
Mn - .1%
B - .015%
Zn - .05%
Cu - .05%
Recommended Rates: 4-8oz/1000ft2
*No Shipping Charge on 500L and 1000L Totes* Please contact us at for pricing and availability.
TNT Starter 9-32-2 + Extras
TNT STARTER is a specialized product that can provide a range of benefits for your turf. Its unique formula, with an analysis of 9-32-2 and the addition of humic and fulvic acid as well as TPA, is designed to improve the early season availability and uptake of phosphorus, which is essential for healthy plant growth. This product can also help to improve root and shoot development and aid in the establishment of new turf. The TPA in TNT STARTER helps to increase the effectiveness of the product, leading to better overall results. By choosing TNT STARTER as part of your comprehensive fertility program, you can expect to see improved growth and health in your turf. Its combination of key nutrients and the added benefits of humic and fulvic acid, as well as TPA, make it an effective choice for maintaining the health and appearance of your grass.
Recommended Rate:
*No Shipping Charge on 500L and 1000L Totes*
Please contact us at for pricing and availability.
UAN 28-0-0
UAN (Urea Ammonium Nitrate) is a highly effective fertilization product that can provide a quick boost of nitrogen to your turf. It is particularly useful during times of stress, such as extreme weather or unfavorable rootzone conditions, when your grass may be in need of additional nutrients. The rapid response of UAN can help to promote healthy turf growth and appearance. To lengthen the period of uptake and maximize the benefits of UAN, consider adding DIDIN FLUID, a urease inhibitor that can help to enhance the effectiveness of the product. Choose UAN and DIDIN FLUID as part of your regular fertility program to support the health and vitality of your turf.
N - 28%
Recommended Rate:
*No Shipping Charge on 500L and 1000L Totes*
Please contact us at for pricing and availability.

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